Please listen to me attentively.
The difference between last year and next year is this year. And it is within your means.
So stop stressing about whether you will make it happily into next year.
Believe me or not your worrying will neither delay the arrival of next year nor will it speed up this year.
Just the same way last year passed so will this year too.
Therefore do everything you can within your means to be happy as you make others happy too.
But their happiness must by no means be at the expense of yours.
Don’t make any more resolutions basing on the Gregorian calendar year.
But make short term cumulative and achievable resolutions so that at the end of next year you will surely look back at your accomplishments and wonder how much you were able to achieve.
The danger with annual calendar based resolutions, they turn you into an under achiever.
You wait until the last quarter of the year and start running around in an effort to fulfill your new year resolutions.
And when you finally do, you go around chest thumping mbu you met your new year resolution.
Yet you are a mere underachiever who accomplished quarter of your annual capability
Happy new year.
Over to you.